Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ode to the Chicken Yodel

Oh chicken yodel, chicken yodel
The bok, bok, bok
hen house recital
Serious and sober sentiments
you can not entitle.
How then, pray thee,
shall we quote the Bible?

Since we've had all this discussion today (1, 2, and 3) about the chicken yodel song, I thought the time was appropriate for the webmaster to throw in a couple rusty penny's worth of her own in continuance of the topic. Afterall, she is the sly one who is responsible for the cackling you're listening too, unless of course your ears are plugged or your speakers are muted.

The idea was first introduced to me by our sweet sister Courtney. Immediately I set to the task of seeing if there was anyway possible to adopt the most authentic funnyfarm sound to our webpage. Of course a tad of sibling rivalry ensued when the outcome proved that neither I nor she was aware of what the other was up to. While she posted a link, I pasted a player. Upon discovering the slight clash of coincidence, we realized the confusion that was most inevitable for the viewers of this blog, and since that was the last thing we intended to do, we took it out on each other.

Court: "Britt! I just put a link on. I devoted my very first post on this blog to a link, and here you have it playing in the back ground. What use is that link? What good is that post I just wasted all my time on?"

Britt: "Um, well, it's good for writing another one!"

And thus the rivalry ended, and harmony was restored, and the blog was editted.

In the mean time however each time this page was viewed, the corny chicken song invoked two little tots appearing from nowhere. Mr. Brown Eyes stands at Beemoo's elbow enthralled by the bouncy chicken tune. The mop head rushes eagerly to her auntie and jumps on her lap. Her pigtails start bouncing while she bobs her head and claps her hands and squeals and giggles. She has the chicken dance down pat. Now all she needs is the crow walk.

Oh chicken yodel, chicken yodel,
The tracks you tune
to this our family cackle.
And Jea shall always
dance the waddle
When for her
the speakers you do rattle.

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Anonymous said...

I found you all through Brittany's post on my site. YOur chicken yodeling makes me miss my twin brother, but it doesn't play very well on dial-up.

Neat site!


Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.