Thursday, July 13, 2006

Here Goes Something!

Last Saturday, we went to Irvine Park in Chippewa Falls. It was nice to get out of the house for the day.

Elk Bull.

Levi feeding one of the sheep

In the little red barn where all the farm animals are were two sheep that were out (not sure if they got out themselves or they were let out by the keepers) but they stayed right inside the barn next to a feeder, and when somebody would go to get some feed out of the slot, the sheep would crowd around and try to take it. It was funny and cute:).


Then on Sunday, we went to Lake Chetek and rented a pontoon for the day. We caught 11 fish, and red-hot sunburns! I got to drive the pontoon a little ways across the lake, which was fun!

Levi's fish and yes the water was VERY green!

Me and my sunburn (I looked so-o-o terrible when we got home!)

Well there are my little tracks. Hope you had fun reading them!

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Brittney said...

Oh great, you're darker than me for sure!!

joygirl said...

Ha! Ha! Na-na-na-na-boo-boo! :P ;)

Becc@ said...

Awww, pontoon's aren't that much fun you should have got a speed boat!;-)
And I don't burn, I tan.=P But I feel bad for you anyway.