Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Wissmanns Visit

It was a great time together... Which ended all too soon. 9 or 10 hours isn't near enough, especially when part of that time you have to sleep.

Until next time...

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Anonymous said...

Where they able to go later in the day?

muzic4him said...

I've been waiting for this post!

Rachel Marie said...

Awww! You all must have had an absolutely splendid time!:-)
I know how time flies when you're with such sweet friends...!;-)
They seem like such a sweet family!

Bethany said...

What a wonderful time that was, though I agree that it was wa-a-a-a-ay to short! Thank you, thank you to the Otterson family for such a refreshing, encouraging few hours. We all look forward to seeing you again -- maybe in Nebraska next time?!