Friday, August 26, 2011

Music Fest @ Barnabas Coffeehouse, Chippewa Falls, WI

Sept 10 - Music Fest
Barnabas Coffeehouse, Chippewa Falls, WI
Bluegrass/Traditional/Country Gospel
Featured Musicians

Music Line-up

1 pm The Herrlinger Family

2:00 The Otterson Family

3:30 The Hershey Brothers & Friends

5:00 Big George & Royce - Bluegrass

6:30 Stacy DePrey - Country Gospel

8:00 Roger & Lindsay Mickelson - Traditional Gospel

Watch for more information as the plans develop
Tentatively planning for music from about 1 pm until 9pm with a cookout planned for a festive day. Please plan to be here with us :)

W.G.M.A Fundraiser

W.G.M.A Fundraiser

August 27, 2011 - Hosted by Carr Creek Ranch Pot-Blessing at 12 noon Music all day for jammers & audience Hay rides (depending on weather) Horse rides for kids Bring lawn chairs .....Camping available Fri & Sat evenings WGMA (Wisconsin Gospel Music Assoc.) Truman Stricklen, Pres. 715-868-2987 or 715-698-2148

We want to invite you all to this fun event. Ottersons will be singing at this event. Hope to see you there.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Barnabas Christian Coffeehouse...

...all day sing is Saturday, September 10 (Hannah's birthday!), starting at 1:00pm. We'll be one of five groups (so far) that will be singing that day.

Come and join the fun--19 West Spring Street, Chippewa Falls!